Webinar: Panel discussion on gender and decolonization

Op zondag 17/05 organiseert Intal Globalize Solidarity in samenwerking met Casa Rosa, Genderspectrumvzw en LABO vzw een panelgesprek over gender en dekolonisatie met Stella Nyanchama Okemwa, Kopano Maroga en Olave Nduwanje als sprekers. Het belooft de moeite te worden!

✏️Inschrijven via deze link: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/register/WN_RpaFcjmrRgG1bVvgux9L-Q

Decolonization is a term that often pops up. Can you link decolonization to gender diversity? In this panel discussion, we will focus on that question. Are homo- and transphobia consequences of colonization? How can we decolonize the gendermind? Does intersectional thinking work liberating or can it also fall into identity politics, a struggle for identities that divides minority groups? Gender and decolonization experts look for answers to these and other questions.

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